




* COVID-19 疫苗是利用不同方法,將含有 SARS CoV-2 病毒棘蛋白 (Spike Protein, 簡稱S蛋白,見圖一),抗體檢測 SARS CoV2 Spike (S) 抗原之 IgG 或總抗體 (Total IgG)。

* 目前COVID-19快篩是檢測病毒的Nucleocapsid Protein核殼蛋白(抗原)。

* 若遇到新冠病毒株產生RNA突變,假若南非、英國或印度等變異病毒株出現病毒核殼蛋白變異時,也可能導致快篩試劑的抗體無法識別結合到核殼蛋白(抗原),而出現偽陰性。

【不同的 COVID 的抗體測試方法的意義】

A. 結合抗體 (binding antibody) 的測試:
(1) 常見的抗體快篩 kit。利用純化後的病毒某部份蛋白質,去偵測抗體。
Nucleocapsid (N) protein (感染後,會產生對抗 N 蛋白的抗體。)

Spike (S) protein (注射疫苗後,或感染後,會產生對抗 S 蛋白的抗體。)

(2) 抽血驗 對抗 S 蛋白的 IgG 或 IgM 抗體。

B. 中和抗體 (Neutralizing antibody) 的測試
* 通常是在實驗室中測量抗體預防病毒感染的功能性測試。也就是目前大家討論免疫橋接,可能評估疫苗產生抗體保護力,所用的方法。

* Neutralizing antibody detection tests determine the functional ability of antibodies to prevent infection by virus in vitro. These tests monitor inhibition of viral growth in cell culture when incubated with serum or plasma.

* 常用的三種方法
- Virus neutralization tests (VNT)
- Pseudovirus neutralization tests (pVNT)
- Competitive neutralization tests (cVNT)




【目前對民眾測 COVID 抗體的意義】

(A) 未打疫苗的民眾,是看其之前感染情形。
In a person never vaccinated:
testing positive for antibody against either N, S, or RBD indicates prior natural infection

(B) 已打疫苗的民眾,
若 Anti-S protein 抗體陽性,其它抗體如 Anti-N protein 陰性,代表抗體是疫苗引起。
In a vaccinated person:
- testing positive for antibody against the vaccine antigen target, such as the S protein, and negative for other antigens suggests that they have produced vaccine-induced antibody and that they were never infected with SARS-CoV-2

若 Anti-S 抗體陽性,其它抗體如 Anti-N protein 也陽性,代表過去在打疫苗前或之後,可能有感染過 COVID。
- testing positive for any antibody other than the vaccine-induced antibody, such as the N protein, indicates resolving or resolved SARS-CoV-2 infection that could have occurred before or after vaccination.


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